Representative Council for Learners
We as the RCL hosted a virtual awards ceremony for our Annual Awards. Congratulations to all the award winners and a massive thank you to the learners and staff involved in making this possible.
In response to the United Nations campaign against gender based violence - Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect! - the RCL ran a campaign to write protest poems against gender based violence. The poem that was picked to express the feelings of the RCL, the students and staff was The Fear is Real by Yasmine Kalemba.
Who are we?
In accordance with the South African Schools Act, a Representative Council of Learners (RCL) is a legislative body that must be established at every public school who enrolls learners from Grades 8 and higher.
The RCL is a democratically elected learner leadership body that becomes the voice of, and represents all students in the school environment.
The RCL Pledge
I pledge myself to uphold the purposes of the Council to which I have been elected. I will uphold the school’s core values, maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, participation, discipline and service.
Roles and Responsibilities
To provide you, the learner, with an opportunity to participate in school governance and appropriate decision making.
To enable you, the learner, to contribute towards the improvement of the culture of learning and teaching in the school environment.
To uphold the core values of Fairmont High School - Respect, Integrity, Excellence and Service (RISE).
The specific responsibilities of the members of the body are outlined below:
Structure of the RCL
The RCL is made up of 20 learners; 4 from each grade.
A learner exective runs the RCL along with two Teacher Liason Officers.
Duties of the RCL
This learner will be responsible for the overall leadership within the RCL.
This learner will be the spokesperson for the RCL at school governance level, as well as learner leadership.
Vice Chairperson:
This learner will assist the chairperson with their roles and responsibilities.
This learner will be responsible for the administration of the RCL.
This learner will be responsible for managing the finances of the RCL.
The RCL members will occupy the Learner Leadership shared portfolios:
Pride and Unity
Care Bears
Connecting FHS
Just Fix It
They will also occupy their own unique portfolio: Assembly of Class Representatives (ACR)
This portolio is responsible for selecting and managing the Class Representatives throughout the school. They will be the liason between learners and the Learner Leadership Team, receiving and processing proposals etc.
Learners from all grades (8-11).
Learners who are hardworking, reliable, dedicated and respectful.
Learners who are able to speak others, speak in meetings, raise your point and engage in conversations.
Learners who are passionate about wanting to change the culture of teaching and learning at school.
Learners who are passionate about wanting to create and inclusive schooling environment.
The RCL is a democratically elected body and these are the steps that should be followed:
You will need to be nominated by someone in your grade.
The learner who nominates you must complete a nomination form, and they must have another learner from your grade to second (support) their nomination.
You cannot nominate yourself.
Learners can collect a nomination form from Mrs Rosenberg.
Nominations open on Friday 22 July and close Thursday 28 July.
Those who are nominated will be given further information regarding CAMPAIGNS and SPEECHES.
Thereafter, there will be a VOTING process for the whole school.
More information will be given in due course.
You may only nominate a learner from within your own grade for the RCL.
To submit a nomination, please collect a form from Mrs Rosenberg and return it to her after.
Nominations are due at 16h00 on Thursday 28 July.
NO late submissions will be accepted.