School Fees
The payment of school fees is compulsory. Parents must inform the finance office immediately, in writing, should anything occur that may result in a delay or non-payment of school fees.
If any instalment is outstanding by the due date the full outstanding amount of school fees will become due and payable. The school reserves the right in this instance to hand over the full account to our debt collectors. All legal costs, including attorney/client fees and collection costs incurred for recovery of school fees will be for the account of the parent(s).
School Fees 2025:
Monthly School Fees for ten months R 4,275.00
(February to November)
Total Annual School Fees R42,750.00
Discounted Annual School Fees (payable by 31 December 2024):
Annual School Fees for 2025 R42,750.00
Paid before 31 December 2024 R 2,137.00
(5% Discount)
Amount Payable R40,613.00
According to the South African Schools Act (as amended), the natural parents are jointly and severally liable for school fees. Parents may, however, apply to the school for total, partial or conditional relief of the payment of fees.
Application forms can be requested from the finance office. No school fee relief can be given without the formal completion of the application forms and submission of the requested supporting documents.
Those parents, who have already received assistance in the past, may re-apply on an annual basis.
Please note, that the above processes are undertaken in the strictest confidence and nothing is discussed with the children.