Textbook Policy

Fairmont High School Policy on WCED Textbook Issuing and Retrieval



1.1. WCED stocks must be replenished and topped up when necessary.   

1.2. Funds for this purpose must be allocated from the Norms and Standards Budget.   

1.3. Only CAPS-approved textbooks that are selected from the DBE catalogues may be purchased using school or state funds.

1.4. Subject Heads are to ensure that adequate selection criteria are used when selecting textbooks to ensure that the most appropriate textbooks are selected.

1.5. The textbook manager must ensure that the correct books are ordered and maintained to avoid unnecessary ordering and/or wasteful expenditure.

1.6. The textbook supplier shall be selected from the list of approved service providers.

1.7. The school must ensure that the correct orders are placed and on time.

1.8. The school will ensure that the information on the Centralised Education Management System (CEMIS) is accurate on the day that an online order is submitted.



2.1.1. All textbooks received must be recorded in the textbook stock register.

2.1.2. Deliveries must be checked for accuracy, quantity and quality before being signed off by the textbook manager. Proof of delivery must be retained. There must be a follow-up on outstanding and incorrect deliveries.

2.1.3. All textbooks must be entered into the textbook stock register, covered and labelled/barcoded before distribution.

2.1.4. A formal stock take must happen annually.

2.1.5. The stock register must be reconciled at the end of the year.

2.1.6. Unused textbooks must be stored in the textbook room.


2.2.1. Teachers will inform the textbook manager of new titles required/preferred where applicable. Provision should be made for new students arriving during the year to avoid extra orders.

2.2.2. The correct number of textbooks will be ordered and kept in the textbook room. Text books will be issued directly and individually per learner according to their subjects.


2.3.1. The textbook manager must record the name of learner, grade and book number on textbook lists where applicable.

2.3.2. Every learner must sign for every textbook they receive.

2.3.3. All textbook lists must be handed to the textbook manager for safekeeping where applicable.

2.3.4. The textbook manager will maintain accurate records of all text books issued per learner.

2.3.5. All textbooks must be covered and used for the purpose intended.

2.3.6. In Term 3 there must be a textbook check to determine which textbooks are already lost or damaged. Learners and parents must be informed to replace it or pay the replacement value before retrieval at the end of the year.

2.3.7. Parents will be sent an account for any missing book and will be reminded if payment is not forthcoming.

2.3.8. During the course of the year all books returned and new books issued (eg.subject changes) must be signed for and a copy of the new list filed with the textbook manager.


2.4.1 Textbooks will be retrieved from learners at the end of the year after they write the final exam relevant to that book. The text book manager will check the books received against the books that have been issued to each learner.

2.4.2. Lost or damaged textbooks must be replaced by the learner or the replacement cost paid to the school before any new textbooks can be issued. Where it can be proved that the loss or damage was due to circumstances beyond the control of the learner, the principal must record the reason for the loss and the book replaced, using the Norms and Standards Budget.

2.4.3. When a learner leaves the school during the year all the textbooks must be handed to the text book manager or the replacement cost be paid before a CEMIS transfer can be issued.

2.4.4. In the case of missing/damaged books that have not been replaced/replacement cost paid, the parents must be continually reminded of the fact and the situation be rectified before the end of the year.

2.4.5. Where a lost and paid for book is found and returned to the school, the parent/student will receive a refund of the payment.

2.4.6. The success rate of text book retrieval must be recorded on the 4th Quarter School Improvement Monitoring (SIM) system on CEMIS.


2.5.1. All text books will be securely stored in the storeroom in the basement under the stage.

2.5.2. An asset register of all text books in stock are recorded in the electronic text book management software.

2.5.3. There should not be any significant amount of unused or underused books in the storeroom that have not been issued to the learners.


2.6.1. Out-dated and damaged textbooks must be disposed of in accordance with the disposal policy approved by the SGB.

2.6.2. Note that the disposal of any outdated or surplus textbooks or workbooks is subject to approval of the school’s LTSM committee, disposal committee, SGB, and the IMG manager/circuit manager.

2.6.3. Full details and records of the disposal transactions must be kept for audit purposes.

2.6.4. However, before the books are referred to the parties listed in 2.6.2 above, the school must first ascertain if the district office or the DBE have any plans for collection or disposal of surplus books.

2.6.5 In the event that books are donated to any organisation or school, detailed records must be kept indicating which books were donated and who approved the donation. Every attempt should be made to re-distribute surplus workbooks to schools that have shortages.

2.6.6. The school may request permission to recycle textbooks in order to generate income for the school. At no stage may the school dispose of books by burning or dumping or utilising the services of companies who dispose of books in this manner. The SGB is entrusted with the responsibility of avoiding companies who may bring the school or the WCED into disrepute in the disposal of textbooks.

2.6.7. Disposal records may be requested by school corporate officers, IMG managers or designated WCED officials.


2.7.1. A record must be kept of textbooks received, lost and replaced.

2.7.2. At the end of the year the textbook manager must submit to the LTSM committee a detailed list of textbook titles issued and returned.

2.7.3. The LTSM committee must submit a summary report to the principal and the SGB on the number of text books issued and the number returned for each grade and subject.

2.7.4. The percentage of textbooks returned by learners must be calculated (retrieval rate).

2.7.5. The report must conclude with recommendations to improve on the percentage of textbooks returned in the following year.

2.7.6. This percentage (retrieval rate) calculated by the school, must be captured on the 4th Quarter School Improvement Monitoring (SIM) instrument.

2.7.7. A copy of this summary must be kept in an LTSM file by the school principal and must be signed by the principal and SGB chairperson for record purposes.


2.8.1. The school principal will be required to report on textbooks and LTSM on a quarterly basis on the SIM.

2.8.2. The WCED will load appropriate questions – aligned to this circular, WCED policy, DBE Policy and other LTSM initiatives – for completion on the SIM on a quarterly basis.

2.8.3. The principal is the accountable officer for ensuring that responses to the questions in the SIM are an accurate representation of the LTSM situation at the school.


2.9.1. The principal is the accountable officer for the management of all LTSM resources at school level.

2.9.2. The LSTM committee manages LTSM at the school.

2.9.3. The disposal committee approves disposal of all resources at school level.

2.9.4. The disposal committee must table all disposal requests with the SGB for approval.


2.10.1. Headmasert – Mr Leon Erasmus

2.10.2. Educator in charge of LTSM – Mr Brian Dill

2.10.3. Textbook/LTSM Manager – Mrs Karina Venter


Publishers will be tasked to hold exhibitions annually to display material available.   Teachers must ensure that they are exposed to a wide range of available LTSM from a cross-section of publishers before selecting a new textbook.


1. All educator resources purchased and issued by the school must be recorded on the textbook management system or library stock register.

2. All new resources must be entered into the textbook or library stock register and labelled/barcoded before distribution.

3. All new additional resources (study guides and extra textbooks) will be issued via the textbook management system or the library.

4. No purchases may be made without prior clearance by the financial committee.

5. When an educator leaves the school during or at the end of the year all the resources must be handed to the LTSM manager.

LIBRARY (refer Library Policy)


1.1. Learners may use the library for study purposes and for accessing, returning, renewing and reserving media.

1.2. Learners have access to all media stocked in the library.

1.3.    Reference items, including Study Guides and past examination papers will not be issued, and may only be used in the library.


2.1. Educators have access to the facilities offered to learners.

2.2. The library manager facilitates library bookings and booking and issuing of all relevant digital information and equipment on the library stock register.

2.3. The librarian assists educators with the selection of media for displays and manage short loan or reserved resources required by learners for projects and assignments.