Policy on Computer Usage for Learners
Rules and Code of Ethics for Fairmont High School Computer Users
The following preamble is to be noted by parents when applying for admission to Fairmont High School.
Fairmont High School has the ability to enhance your child’s education through the use of computers. Your child will be able to communicate through electronic mail and the Internet. The Internet allows your child the opportunity to reach out to many other people, share information, learn concepts, etc. Your child may be communicating with other students or adults from other parts of the world.
It is very important that messages sent over electronic mail be written appropriately. The reason for this is that the people receiving the messages can forward the messages to others or post them on the web an in social media for anyone to read. Therefore, the messages should not contain profanity, obscene comments, sexually explicit material, expressions of bigotry, racism, or hate. Also they should not contain personal information that you would not want any stranger to have such as your name, address, or phone number.
With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility. It is important that you and your child read the ethics code and discuss it together. When your child is given a Login Name and allowed to use the computers, it is extremely important that the rules are followed. The use of inappropriate material may result in the loss of the privilege to use this educational tool. Parents, remember that you are legally responsible for your child’s actions. Please stress to your child the importance of using only his or her own Login Name and password and the importance of keeping it a secret from other students. Your child should under NO circumstances let anyone else use his/her Login Name and password!
Each Learner is required to read, understand and sign the following policy on computer usage.:
As a computer user I agree to follow the rules and code of ethics in all of my work with computers while attending Fairmont High School.
I recognize that all computer users have the same right to use the equipment; therefore, I will not play games or use the computer resources for other non-academic activities when others require the system for academic purposes ; I will not waste or take supplies, such as paper, printer ink or toner and digital storage media, that are provided by Fairmont High School. When I am in a computer lab, I will talk softly and work in ways that will not disturb other users.
I recognize that software is protected by copyright laws; therefore, I will not make unauthorized copies of software found on school computers, either by copying them onto my own storage medium or onto other computers or through electronic mail. I will not give, lend, or sell copies of software to others unless I have the written permission of the copyright owner or the original software is clearly identified as shareware or in the public domain.
I recognize also that the work of all users is valuable; therefore, I will protect the privacy of others’ areas by not trying to learn their password. I will not copy, change, read, or use files in another user’s area, without that user’s prior permission. I will not attempt to misrepresent other users on the network. I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to system programmes or computer equipment. I will not use computer systems to disturb or harass other computer users by sending unwanted mail or by other means. Hate mail, discriminatory remarks and other antisocial behaviours are prohibited on the network. I will not download information onto the hard disk(s) of any Fairmont High School computer for permanent storage. I will download information onto a suitable portable storage medium if planning to store the information for more than one week.
Any use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes is prohibited.
Any use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.
Use of the network to access or process pornographic material, inappropriate text files or files dangerous to the integrity of the local network is prohibited. This includes any such material that may be stored on any removable storage medium brought to school.
Unauthorised subscriptions to mailing lists are prohibited.
Violations of the rules and code of ethics described will be dealt with seriously. Violators will lose computer privileges and will be subject to the normal disciplinary processes of the school.
Pupils may not access any social network websites or video sharing websites using school equipment or services.
Chain-letters and similar unsolicited e-mail may NOT be forwarded on the Fairmont High School e-mail system.
I understand that all activity on the school computers may be monitored by the IT staff/computer teachers of the school using monitoring software. As such any activity on the school computers will be logged including a record of all websites accessed. Disciplinary action will be taken if I am found to be in violation of this policy.