Advert_MD relationship workshop November.pdf

In this video created by Mayo Clinic, teens describe common signs that a teen is considering suicide and provide encouragement for communicating directly and immediately for support and safety. It also Includes suggestions for what to say to a teen who may be at risk for suicide and ways to keep them safe. Things can get better.

From the Counsellors Desk

Anxiety and coping with the Coronavirus (link below)

Managing Teenage behaviours (link below)

The RCL interview our counsellors about mental health issues. (Video below)


Providing a quality personal counselling service is one of the highest priorities of this department.  Each learner has the opportunity to take advantage of these services and may see the counsellor.  The counsellors are introduced to all juniors during orientation week to acquaint them with the roles and function of a counsellor.  At this time, the learners are encouraged to visit the office of the counsellors and to feel free to discuss their problems.  The professionalism of the counsellors is stressed and the learner’s right to confidentiality is assured.

The learner her/himself may make initial contact, or the counsellor may act on a referral made by a staff member. If necessary, the counsellors may refer the learner and/or his parent(s)/guardian(s) to other professionals or agencies in the field.

It is a goal of the counsellor to provide an atmosphere of confidence, confidentiality and professionalism for the learner seeking personal counselling.

Counsellors are available for appointments during school hours and after school from 14:30 to 16:00 per appointment. Appointments are essential.


The Library is stocked with the most recent materials on colleges, technikons and universities, including prospectuses, calendars and faculty booklets, financial aid sources, occupational information, pamphlets on personal issues facing teenagers today, and other materials that might be of interest to our pupils. The Life Orientation subject head is also available to assist.


This is available from the Life Orientation subject head to assist the learners in searching for a career and to provide information about tertiary institutions and scholarships.