
Grade 8 Stationery List 2025

Stationery for Grade 8 for 2025
2024 Learner Leaders.pdf
Attendance Matters at Fairmont.pdf
Fairmont High School Solar PV Installation - Information.pdf




Established in 1977 Fairmont High School has grown as a traditional English co-ed school boasting some 1450 learners and a staff compliment of over 80 teachers in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Through living our motto “We strive for Excellence”, we offer our learners the opportunity to create themselves through our strong academic, cultural, sporting and leadership activities.

We are proud to have built a culture of top achievers on and off the field.

We excel academically every year and this is due to hard working learners, expert teachers and the creation of a continuously evolving learning environment.

We boast one of the first hockey astros in the Northern Suburbs, we are the only Northern Suburb school with an enclosed Aquatic Centre, which is home to two community swimming clubs, and offers Water Polo as a sport.

Our various other facilities include 8 tennis courts, 2 soccer fields, 2 rugby fields, several netball courts and 2 cricket fields. We have an indoor student centre which can host indoor sports such as hockey and netball, to basketball and even Futsal events. A cross–fit gym provides our sportsmen and women with the necessary fitness and strength to compete at the highest level. Our cultural and music programme is the envy of many schools and is a major focus this year. 

We also have a modern tuckshop known as Café Monty.

Over the years we have developed into one of the leading schools in Cape Town.  We draw our learners from the Northern Suburbs where we are the first choice for many talented children. We believe this is due to the caring manner in which this school is run.  You quickly become part of the Monty Family. What first struck me when I arrived at Fairmont in 2017 was how friendly and happy the learners were. With this we have created an ethos of young men and women who are respectful, motivated, proud and eager to serve and who are fully involved in the school.  Our core values of RISE (respect, integrity, service and excellence) fits in with this. We encourage and push this at every opportunity. Coupled with this is our focus on discipline and in particular manners and appearance which is of utmost importance. Some “old school” values are non-negotiable. Ultimately we want self-disciplined learners who make the right decisions.   

We are an institution of excellence but we do not want to promote elitism.  With elitism you exclude and as a community school we embrace all differences.  By exposing our learners, parents and staff to diversity, we develop a balanced and caring school as well as individuals who will be an asset to our country. 

A major focus is to encourage well-balanced learners and to equip them for their bright futures. We are extremely proud of our learners and staff for all the achievements over the past 42 years and I want to thank everyone for their continued support.

Fairmont is recognized as one of the top-performing academic institutions in our country. In 2019, four of our students ranked in the Top 20 in the District, and our school achieved third place out of 70 schools in District North. Additionally, seven of our learners excelled by earning first place in the following subjects: Afrikaans FAL, Business Studies, Chinese, History, IT, Life Sciences, and Visual Arts.

Fairmont has a proud tradition of sporting excellence across various disciplines. We take pride in our Olympians and both current and former learners who have achieved success at the national and provincial levels. These accomplishments are supported by the diverse opportunities our students have to pursue a well-rounded education through our well-equipped extracurricular facilities.

Fairmont High School offers a variety of cultural opportunities to nurture our multi-talented learners. Activities range from acting and playwriting to musicals and talent shows, as well as drama, debating, poetry writing, and participation in the twenty-one societies available at the school.

About Us

Our story begins in 1973, when the Provincial Admininstration of the Cape Province decided on the establishment of the school, read more...

Our Mission

We of Fairmont strive for excellence by seeking opportunities for all to realise their unique potential through self-discipline in a trusting, enjoyable and caring atmosphere of mutual respect .
